12 Weeks of Sensual Activation

Sensuality is a medium of exchange that you get to play with in this lifetime to bring your vision of love and dreams of ecstasy into reality.
-Lebo Grand
What a perfect timing to receive this initiation.
This is for you:
If you're at a place in your life where your prayer is, "God, I'm ready for real love."
If you have been feeling like a fading flower.
If you have been feeling like a piece of you is dying a little bit every day and you just don't know how to flip the switch, how to turn your life back on.
If you have given up on your desires all in the name of being grown up, or being a mother and/or wife.
If you desire to reclaim that lit-up self you used to be or silently still yearn to become.
If you want to get your mojo back.
If you are missing that piquant activity conferred by desire.
If you yearn to live out your life more fully, enjoy more, experience more.
If you desire to open a deep well of ecstasy and fully tap into an unlimited experience of pleasure in your body.
What's your vision of love? When I fall in love...
Remember the last time you were absolutely, besottedly, head over heels, madly in love with someone, in the first few days after you met him? Do you remember how it felt in your body? Nicol May commented, "This feeling is the best feeling in the world. I can remember it and I want it back." I agree, this is the best feeling in the world.
If someone had asked you in that moment [of being on cloud nine] to trade in that wonderful feeling for the whole world—a house, holiday, millions of dollars—would you have done it? If your answer is "yes", you are in for a fabulous surprise one day. For the rest of the romantics, you know you would have said no. Why? Because you were already feeling on top of the world and nothing else could better the feeling. Case closed.
You see, you already have a grand vision of love in your soul's DNA
If you didn't have a grand vision of love you wouldn't have all these dreams of romance and ecstasy. Your sensual potential wouldn't haunt you. Note: your vision of love represents all your aspirations, hopes and dreams pertaining to your love life (present and future). You already know what that feels like in your soul through DESIRE whether you're currently conscious of it or not. This 12 weeks of Sensual Activation aims to capture that feeling so that you can start embodying it.

Let's close our eyes and make our own paradise
Lebo, why is it necessary to craft and embody a vision of love? Well, because it is a very essential process to disconnecting yourself from the energy of your past and connect to the energy of your future. It's also how you tell God/Universe that you are ready for extraordinary love, and since you're able to sensualize it, God/Universe knows exactly what you're expecting and what to bring you. I often say, love is in the sensual details. If you can sensualize it, you can manifest it.
Your biggest challenge is that there's something deep inside of you that doesn't quite trust that you're lovable. At the root of the relationship every woman has with herself lives the question: am I lovable? And will I really have the love I desire? Will I, me, out of all the women on the planet find a partner who will truly love, deeply care, see, appreciate and adore me? A partner who will celebrate me and be totally devoted to US? And we're going to start the 12 weeks of Sensual Activation on that note. Even if you're already in a long-term relationship, this is going to help bring a new paradigm to play with.

At the root of the relationship every woman has with herself lives the question:
Am I lovable?
Here's what's blocking your vision of love and why it hasn't been able to manifest in your life
Professionalism, integrity and great ethics is how I describe Lebo Grand's work. His coaching methods are excellent and really work.
Capture the Feeling

Are you ready to activate your sensuality?
My biggest aim throughout these 12 weeks is to help you connect with your sensuality. Why? Because sensuality was meant to serve as the basis of our overall enjoyment of life and love. If you're not connected to your sensuality, oftentimes you'll feel as if something is missing because something is missing—the connection to the source of all joy, all peace, all love, all passion, all pleasure, all freedom, all life.
Chances are, you've been feeling too little of those juicy emotions from which a good life and great romance springs. As we work together to open your sensual tunnels, prepare to feel alive again. When you sign up to join the 12 weeks of Sensual Activation, you will be supported in crafting a grand vision of love for your love life (present or future) as well as increase your sensual capacity to hold it. We'll focus of fine tuning your frequency of DESIRE. Remember, this frequency is generative. It is the frequency of MORENESS. It generates more passion, more romance, more freedom, more creativity, more joy, more peace, more ecstasy, more fabulousness. But you have to know how to stay in it... and live in it. And build momentum and energetic heat there over and over again so that it can compound.
Your fully supported 12-week experience includes:
12 weeks of one-on-one Sensual Activation coaching
Unlimited email support between sessions
Customized weekly assignments & accountability

Investment: $2000
or 3 payments of $699

Wanna join?
Your fully supported 12-week experience includes:
12 weeks of one-on-one Sensual Activation coaching
Unlimited email support between sessions
Customized weekly assignments & accountability
Investment: $2000
or 3 payments of $699
To join