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The Sensual Lifestyle

This Mastermind is a high-end group of fabulous women. They have high standards because they know their true worth. They chose this group as a container for their continuous growth, support and transformation.
The point of this Mastermind is to:
> Keep you connected to and marinated in your sensuality daily.
> Support you in stepping into the next level of intimacy, passion, and faith.
> Support you if you're a strong, independent, and success-driven woman who often finds herself feeling like or saying, "Men are intimidated by me!"
> Support you if you want to balance your masculine and feminine energies.
> Support you in elevating your standards of sensual living and romantic life.
> Support you as you chase your dreams of ecstasy.
> Support you in shifting from being overlooked to being sought after.
> Support you in living a turned on, lit up, and orgasmic life.

Chasing dreams of ecstasy
It's time to start living with the understanding of the vibration and frequency of sensuality. And learn to apply this frequency in every aspect of your life so that it will help you receive/make money, manifest extraordinary love, live your best life, etc..
There is no minimum amount of time required to be in the group. You join, stay until you feel complete and leave when you are ready. No obligation.
In this Mastermind group you'll have access to not only me but other incredible women. The delicious vibe and synergy of this group will most certainly rub off on you. You'll learn how to think, dream, believe, work, be and play like a real sensual woman should.
> Continual teaching, training, supporting, and sharing inside our private chat group.
> Text support (this is where the magic happens).
> One 1:1 session with Lebo each month.
> The Mastermind is an on going, year round group.
In this group we support one another. We have each other's backs.
You show up. And we will too.
Are you ready?
The Mastermind is Currently Accepting Applications!
I, Lebo Grand, will personally review your application to make sure this Mastermind is right for you.
The investment is:
Pay in full for one year: $20k (USD)
Pay in full for six months: $11k (Payment plan: First month $3k + $1.6k monthly thereafter)
The monthly payment begins 30 days after the deposit. The deposit takes care of the first month.
Email with any questions.
By enrolling in this program, you are agreeing to my standard
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